Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Portrait Challenge

Here's today, Monday, and Sunday's contributions to the 30 Day Self Portrait Challenge (in the opposite order):

On Sunday my siblings and I drove through Paris, Texas.
It was pretty cool.
And my second time (first time here) in Paris within the last 6 months!
Sidenote: I am, by happy chance, listening to the Civil Wars singing in French right now.
The Civil Wars' new album is excellent, by the way.
I'd taken this picture a couple of days prior,
in the reflection of the rear window of my car.
Today I went to the dentist
and, while waiting, captured my tonk's with the waiting room table.

Take Off The Headphones

A friend on Facebook posted this and it struck me immediately.
The way we speak to ourselves is so significant.
I hope y'all enjoy or get something out of this.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Here's the past couple days in the Self Portrait Challenge saga.
This counts as a self portrait because the background is my shirt. 
I've been trying to avoid simply posting selfies every day.
We all know how annoying that is.
It's probably the most awesome key chain ever.
Trivia: Unicorns are the national animal of Scotland.
My reflection in the glass of a picture frame.
And I liked how this shirt made my eyes look pretty great.
No editing was done on this pic.
I feel like a unicorn.